Supply of clean water
- The average of Water needs in Dodoma Urban is 46,00m3/day, (including UDOM water needs)
- The only water source for the citizens of Dodoma Urban is from underground water, from the Makutopora Valley which is 30 km allocated North of Dodoma Urban (Mzakwe)
- The water source started in the year of 1950 (≈ 60 years ago).Generally, there are 24 wells producing clean water for time being.
- The capacity of systems production is ≈ 61,500m3/da
- The average productivity of per day is ≈ 37,000m3 because the network of clean water pipes cannot reach to some places and the garbage occupy the places allocated clean water pipes at the Urban centre
- The transportation of two water pipes, one has 600mm Ø (perimeter/ circumference) and another has 225mm Ø (perimeter/ circumference) is used to supply water to the side-line/ peripheral customers on the way.
- The length of water supply is km 393, 10 total number of water tanks which takes 92,000m3 water capacity.
- The capacity of systems production is 61,500m3/day
- The average productivity of per day is 45,000m3
- The length of water supply is km 393, 10 total number of water tanks which takes 92,000m3 water capacity.
- Ten (10) pushing water centers.
- Total number of people getting clean water services from DUWASA almost is 82%
- Total number of the home families have the access of clean water almost 36,000
- Total number of home families networked with the sewerage is 5,152.
The sole water supply source for Dodoma urban is ground water abstracted from 24 deep boreholes located at Makutupora basin. The basin is located about 35km from town centre. The total length of water supply network is 393km where 47.983 km is the trunk main and 345.017km is the distribution network.