MSc. in Engineering Management (Project Management) at CoET, University of Dar es Salaam, (2012-2014). Research title: “Assessment of Water Losses in Water Distribution Networks”– Case study: Dar es Salaam City.
BSc. in Environmental Engineering at (University College of Lands and Architectural Studies “UCLAS”) University of Dar es Salaam, (2006 – 2010).
22nd October 2020: “Elements of the best construction contract management, the force account perspective”, conducted by IET online seminar.
11th to 12 nd February 2019: Leadership retreat for Managing Directors and Basin Water officer in Morogoro, by MoW.
8th February 2018: Attended Training Seminar on ‘Gender Mainstreaming in the Construction Sector’ at Karimjee Main Hall, Dar es Salaam conducted by Engineers Registration Board (ERB) of Tanzania.
19th -21st February 2016: Training on Leadership and General Management for DAWASCO Managers at Mzumbe University Tanzania
5th - 11th September, 2013: ‘Trained as a Trainer in Workshop and Practical Training-Survey and Documentation’ (survey methods, methods of measuring, creation of sketches and implementation of form sheets), sponsored by DAWASA/DAWASCO at DAWASCO Tanzania.
5th - 11th September, 2013: ‘Workshop and Practical Training-Survey and Documentation’ (survey methods, methods of measuring, creation of sketches and implementation of form sheets sponsored by DAWASA/DAWASCO at DAWASCO Tanzania
29th - 9th August, 2013: Training on ‘network assets management’ sponsored by Humburg Wesser, DAWASA/DAWASCO at DAWASCO Tanzania.
5th - 7th March, 2013: Training on ‘Water Loss Reduction’ Sponsored by Hamburg Wesser, GIZ, KIT, n/w and SEWERIN at Hamburg-Germany.
03rd - 16th December, 2012: Training on ‘Management of Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation Projects’ Sponsored by MEA, Gol, under IAFS-II) at NIRD, Hyderabad, India.
12nd - 17th December, 2011: Non-Revenue Water Reduction Training at WDMI and DUWASA, Tanzania.
8th - 12nd September, 2011: Training on ‘Practical Use of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract’ at New Millennium by UWP Consulting –Tanzania.
8th - 12nd September, 2011: Training on ‘Construction Adjudication’ at New Millennium by UWP Consulting – Tanzania
15th August, 2010 - 20th May, 2011: Training on ‘Human Resource Management’ at Unit Network Institute (VETA)-Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
1st March – 15th April, 2006: Training on ‘Basic course in computer’ at Unit Network Institute-Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
21st March 2014: Registered as Professional Engineer with registration PE 3751 under Engineers Registration Board (ERB) of Tanzania.
2008 to 2009: Chairperson of Environmental Engineering Students Association (EESA) at ARU/UCLAS.
2008 to 2009: Chairman of Institute of Engineers Tanzania (IET) Student Chapter at ARU/UCLAS.
Language: Fluent speaking, Reading and Writing English and Kiswahili.
Computer Knowledge: EPANET for design of water transport and distribution networks, MS Excel, MS Word, MS Access, MS Dos, Power point, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office project.
Personal Interests – Physical exercise, enough time to rest, team work.
(a) Lecturer (Water Institute) -August 2020
Responsible for all modules related to Operation and Maintenance of Water and Wastewater treatment plants
Responsible for all modules related to Operation and Maintenance of Water Distribution and Sanitation networks.
Implement off and on – campus research projects
Prepare proposal for Institution funding projects
Preparation of different curriculums
(b) Acting Managing Director (Moshi Water Supply and Sanitation Authority) (October 2019 to April 2020)
Accounting officer and manager and supervise all daily operations of the utility.
Manage water availability in Moshi Municipality by 100% coverage in 23.5 hours and improve services in extended areas through GN 573 to meet 85% coverage in 2020.
Manage water sources in Moshi Municipality to meet the demand without affecting ecosystems.
Manage and maintain harmony of the utilities with more than 199 staff.
Manage the increase of customer base by more than 2,700 connections by June 2020 to meet annual plan.
Reduce non-revenue water to an average of less than 20%.
Increased total revenue collection from 750 million to 990 million.
Management of sanitations systems in MUWSA service areas to maintain the protection of our prevailing environments.
Manage the utility expenditures as per plan and priorities
Stakeholders’ involvements in managing water supply and sanitation activities in the MUWSA jurisdictions.
(c) Director of Water Production and Distribution (DWPD), DAWASA, Tanzania (August 2018 to 2019)
Ensure protection and maintain water shed of Ruvu and Kizinga rivers in order to have required minimum level of the rivers for full water production per annum.
Quality management in water production and distribution systems.
Management of about 400 staff, team building, team working, innovations, and maintain harmony in the Department throughout this period.
Produce water at an average of 96% plants designed Capacities each month.
Manage three (3) water treatment plants and 31 boreholes with capacity of 502,000m3/day, main transmission lines, reservoirs, and entire distribution network of about 3,100 kilometres.
Increase water service coverage from 55% to 83% by 2019/20 in DAWASA service area through implementation of various mini-projects.
Ensure water quality is at 100% compliancy to WHO standards by proper treatments and dosing of chemicals.
Reduced Non-revenue water from 57% to 41% as of June 2019.
Ensure daily water supply and thorough distributions in an entire Dar es Salaam City and parts of Pwani Regions.
Ensure daily repair and rehabilitations of water distribution network within a reasonable response time of less than 6hrs.
Sensitization to our customers regarding water distributions issues such as water rations timetables, plant shutdown and other breakdown.
Prepare annual plan and budget and the progress report of the plan in terms of quarterly, semi-quarterly and annually
(d) Director of Water Supply and Distribution (DWSD), DAWASCO, Tanzania (July 2016 – August 2018) Achievements and Responsibilities
Management of about 300 staff, team building, team working, innovations, and maintain harmony in the Department throughout this period.
Ensure protection and maintain water shed of Ruvu and Kizinga rivers in order to have required minimum level of the rivers for full production.
Produce water at an average of 94% plants designed Capacities each month.
Manage three (3) water treatment plants and 31 boreholes with capacity of 502,000m3/day, main transmission lines, reservoirs, and entire distribution network of about 2,900 kilometres.
Increase water service coverage from 55% to 68% by 2016/17 in DAWASA service area through implementation of various mini-projects.
Ensure water quality is at 100% compliancy to WHO standards by proper treatments and dosing of chemicals.
Reduced Non-revenue water from 57% to 44% as of June 2018.
Ensure daily water supply and thorough distributions in an entire Dar es Salaam City and parts of Coastal Regions.
Ensure daily repair and rehabilitations of water distribution network within a reasonable response time of less than 6hrs.
Sensitization to our customers regarding water distributions issues such as water rations timetables, plant shutdown and other breakdown.
Prepare annual plan and budget and the progress report of the plan in terms of quarterly, semi-quarterly and annually
(e) Water Loss Management Manager (WLMM), DAWASCO, Tanzania (June 2015 – July 2016) Achievements and Responsibilities
Manage the operations of water main transmissions lines, water reservoirs and water distribution mains.
Ensure daily repair and rehabilitations of water main distribution network and reservoirs within a reasonable response time of less than 6hrs.
Prepare Non-revenue water reduction strategies and ensure their implementation due.
District Metering Areas design, implementation, management and monitoring in water distribution network.
Assessment of water losses in water distribution network (water balance) and identify factors contributing to water losses in priorities.
Non- revenue water projects design and management in Dar es Salaam.
Reduced Non-revenue water from 57% as of April 2014/15 to 44% as of June 2018
Ensure pressure management, leak detection and water balance, in an entire distribution. (f) Water Distribution Engineer (WDE), DAWASCO, Tanzania (May 2011 to May 2015) Achievements and Responsibilities
Review of existing data, information and previous studies of an entire distribution network.
Supervision of new Upper and Lower Ruvu transmission mains project sized DN 1000, 1200, and 1800. Supervision of construction five (5) water tanks sized between 5,000 to 10,000 cubic meters.
Collection of data regarding water demands at different area.
Site Survey (chainage, elevation and source pressure measurement) Carry out a detailed review of hydraulic design and pipe sizing.
Preparation of plan and budget for improvement of both water network and water distribution.
Supervisor and implementation of excavation and water pipe laying of over 600meters length.
Ensure daily and weekly water distribution as per schedule
Coordinate and supervise all technical operations in the corporation
Prepare plans and budget for the department.